"Anything can happen when womanhood has ceased to be a protected occupation" Virginia Woolf
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Hi Ladies, today's topic is about Dignity
If you haven't found the right man in life keep your
self respect and dignity instead of making investment
without return in the wrong men.
self respect and dignity instead of making investment
without return in the wrong men.
Now you can probably gage from the above statement that dignity
can be a very important virtue that we think personally women
should possess.
can be a very important virtue that we think personally women
should possess.
Now we have all been in situations that have caused our dignity
to come into question; in regards to dealing with men how you
carry yourself can determine what comes your way. Some women,
even those close to us have their dignity at question because of
the scene and be seen hype. If we as women deal with men in a
way that does not warrant respect this can lead to men having a
very very low opinion of us as women. This type of uncouth
behaviour can lead us to CONCUMBILITY (lol)
to come into question; in regards to dealing with men how you
carry yourself can determine what comes your way. Some women,
even those close to us have their dignity at question because of
the scene and be seen hype. If we as women deal with men in a
way that does not warrant respect this can lead to men having a
very very low opinion of us as women. This type of uncouth
behaviour can lead us to CONCUMBILITY (lol)
Now we are about to break down some of the types of CONCUMBILITY
that can come about with negative handling of ourselves as women
and these are from personal experiences and observations.
Oli and lola
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