STAY IN YOUR LANE - Have you ever had a man say this to you...
*Now as women we have a tendency to offer ourselves over to men who disrespect us and do not view us the same as we view them*
Men have a tendency to place women is certain boxes and from speaking to some of our
male friends it seems for women the sad reality is that respect is earned and therefore we have
a responsibility of carrying ourselves in a way that gives us respect. Apparently men they do
not treat women with respect generally but will choose to offer or not offer a woman
respect depending on how they view you and have packaged you. As young women we
want to advise and help women to not sell themselves in a way that only warrants
disrespect from men but demands a certain level of respect that reflects the woman's
male friends it seems for women the sad reality is that respect is earned and therefore we have
a responsibility of carrying ourselves in a way that gives us respect. Apparently men they do
not treat women with respect generally but will choose to offer or not offer a woman
respect depending on how they view you and have packaged you. As young women we
want to advise and help women to not sell themselves in a way that only warrants
disrespect from men but demands a certain level of respect that reflects the woman's
*Casual female package*
Now some women offer themselves up as casual bedfellows for males and this at the start
of the relationship might be fine but issues arise from the women's side if the woman tries to
overstep the agreement that comes with a causal loose relationship. With this type of
relationship the man might have fun with you but if you start demanding explanations
beyond the arranged agreement it can get very messy and disrespectful. The man has already placed
you in a box that in his head does not warrant any explanation for any of his actions because
you are not his main chick but the one he shares a bed with and that is it. With this chick men will not
tolerate any type of harassment e.g. too many phone calls and will be quick to insult you and put you
in your place if you try and check his movement if you catch him with other chicks.
of the relationship might be fine but issues arise from the women's side if the woman tries to
overstep the agreement that comes with a causal loose relationship. With this type of
relationship the man might have fun with you but if you start demanding explanations
beyond the arranged agreement it can get very messy and disrespectful. The man has already placed
you in a box that in his head does not warrant any explanation for any of his actions because
you are not his main chick but the one he shares a bed with and that is it. With this chick men will not
tolerate any type of harassment e.g. too many phone calls and will be quick to insult you and put you
in your place if you try and check his movement if you catch him with other chicks.
*Girlfriend package*
Now with this package the women tend to get the better treatment than the other types of
females as the man has chosen to invest time in being with only you and likes you
As women we should not settle for anything but the best so if a guy does not want to offer
you this package but wants to string you along for fun time please leave him and love
yourself single .
Our male friends stated that with the girls they have as girlfriends she has the right to ask what ever
she wants, demand whatever she wants as she is the MAIN chick. They will not feel ashamed to be
seen in public with you and depending on how intense the relationship this type of female may have the
privilege of meeting his family and being taken out to dinner dates etc. Also one main thing that differs
respects you you will come to find that he might not be that quick to insult you and that in arguments
there are certain no go areas. However for the other types of females men will not refrain from using
the harshest insults and delivering the raw truth about how he views you.

females as the man has chosen to invest time in being with only you and likes you
As women we should not settle for anything but the best so if a guy does not want to offer
you this package but wants to string you along for fun time please leave him and love
yourself single .
Our male friends stated that with the girls they have as girlfriends she has the right to ask what ever
she wants, demand whatever she wants as she is the MAIN chick. They will not feel ashamed to be
seen in public with you and depending on how intense the relationship this type of female may have the
privilege of meeting his family and being taken out to dinner dates etc. Also one main thing that differs
respects you you will come to find that he might not be that quick to insult you and that in arguments
there are certain no go areas. However for the other types of females men will not refrain from using
the harshest insults and delivering the raw truth about how he views you.
Lovely blog