Loads of women and men are into hooking up, 'casual one night stands' and all that.

"One thousand one night stands are no match to a single on life stand"

Some women go out looking for love but end up getting booty calls at the end of the night. Even beautiful, talented, inspiring women fall into this trap. We think that even though some of these women are relationship material they are making fatal mistakes in terms of attracting a boyfriend.

Reasons why you're a one night stand
Be yourself. If you are not a make up person don't over do it when you are going out. Just be you don't pretend. Everyone does not have to be a girly girl. If you do this, you will probably attract the wrong guy who isn't your type and therefore dating seems to you like a fiction movie.

Dress how you would normally dress and make an effort. Be true to yourself and your dress sense and don't dress up with a mind set that 'men would find this outfit more interesting'. Most of the time, this actually works.

Texting thats super casual is not always the proper thing to do. It can send wrong signals to the guy. All this "Yo dude wanna have a beer"? Can only last for so long because you might sending across the wrong impression of yourself; super casual about everything and not just texting. 

Just be a lady. Act cool but not too cool otherwise, he might think you aren't interested in being serious and it could turn into a one night stand. Tell him how much you enjoyed his company and how you don't want a once off meet.

His words got you tripping and this led to sexual advances after which he never returned your messages or even cared to find out about you. He's there like you are his friends with benefits and you are there like 'he's actually someone I can be in a serious relationship with'.

Appreciate his compliments but don't let it come in the way of your thinking and morals. You know what you want at the end of the day. Keep yourself all ripened till you find the right person assuming he is not the one for you. He will respect you for this.

Most of the time, one night stands cannot lead into a relationship because there is no obligations and also, the man might rate you as an easy girl!!

Reasons why you might want a one night stand.
Some people don't mind one night stands once in a while as it could be better than being alone, you could possibly get a good workout *wink*, good break from a hard day at work and just for fun sometimes.

If it's consistent, it is actually gross and can be very damaging to your reputation and what you stand for. With everything in life, there is moderation.

"A real man gives up one night stands for a woman he can't stand one night without"

We think the best one night stand is Summer... It's like the ultimate one night stand!!! Hot as hell, totally thrilling and gone before you know it *sigh* 


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