Image source: Google
What is your fashion sense? What do you feel comfortable and confident wearing? If you haven't got one, how do you find one?

Well all of these questions will be dealt with today! 

Image source: Google

This is part of our everyday lives. It either makes or breaks us. Your fashion sense comes from 

within but it's important to figure out what suits your body type and how to dress the body you 

have. We think this  will be a good starting point.

Most women have insecurities or better still certain aspects of their body that they don't 

particularly like and this can deter them from wearing certain outfits.  At the end of the day, it's

all about packaging. There are ways to go about feeling confident and comfortable in your 

outfits even when it might be out of your comfort zone.  Sometimes it's as simple as how you 

carry yourself as woman.  If you carry yourself with grace, you are most likely to get 

away with most things.  Also, just wearing the right underwear can cover up A LOT of 

imperfections and this can enhance your outfit.

If you haven't really got a fashion sense and you are still trying to figure it out. We advice that 

when you go shopping, start off by buying items you REALLY REALLY REALLY like that are 

within your budget. Not just basic stuff but stuff you are attracted to. Never be too lazy to try it 

on to make sure it suits and fits you.  If you are lucky enough and it does, then it's meant to be 

yours. If you do this every time you go shopping, sooner than later you would have carved out 

you sense of fashion.

Lets hear you views about what you think.



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