Now in our last article we ended it with saying that women have to be the one worth settling
down for. Now as women we must understand that there are some men who love the playa
stage of their life and as harsh as it may sound a lot of women want men to settle down with
them but they are not really worth a man leaving his bachelor life.
(Please refrain from being offended as we are simply trying to offer advice.)
How to be a great catch
1. Knowing your worth - Now as dramatic as it may sound we as two young women do not like to
settle for average; we work hard in trying to make ourselves accomplished young women and we
won't settle for a man who does not compliment our worth. This can sometimes be the same for men.
settle for average; we work hard in trying to make ourselves accomplished young women and we
won't settle for a man who does not compliment our worth. This can sometimes be the same for men.
A man does not settle down with average - if a man has built himself up during his PLAYER STAGE
and he is a good package he will not settle down with a mediocre packaged woman. Part of
becoming a woman who knows her worth can be through possessing a certain level of authenticity
and confidence. This is why we personally think that before women head into the settling down
stage they should experience an ACCOMPLISHING stage which will allow them to know their
worth as they are have invested in themselves in a way a man can admire.
2. Accomplished - Now as women we have a habit of wanting men to have a 6 figure pay check,
good car etc. but we ourselves do not have any thing spectacular to bring to the table. We have to
make sure that when the right man comes we have a relationship CV which makes sense and
looks impressive. We challenge all single women to take your singleness an opportunity to make
some thing of yourselves and so that when MR RIGHT comes he can see he has truly found a

3. Appearance - Now as women we can not afford to wake up and go out in to the world looking
like we do not own a mirror. Women normally can spend a long amount of time getting dresses
for special events but during the day time they are not looking too good. Not everyone might be
comfortable with wearing make up and 6 inch heels during the day but their is a certain level of
grooming that must appear during the day which allows us to still look good yet comfortable. In
addition to looking good as we head out we should try ad take care of ourselves and have days which
we dedicate to looking after ourselves and just getting in touch with who we are - it can be a good
way to reflect.
comfortable with wearing make up and 6 inch heels during the day but their is a certain level of
grooming that must appear during the day which allows us to still look good yet comfortable. In
addition to looking good as we head out we should try ad take care of ourselves and have days which
we dedicate to looking after ourselves and just getting in touch with who we are - it can be a good
way to reflect.
4. Have an independent life - Now ladies it is important to establish an independent life with
friends and personal activities. The reason why this is important is because you do not want to be
clinging to you man when he comes along due to failing to establish a personal life. Your single
years are your best years to find your best friends and really enjoy life and be young.
5. Become approachable - Has anyone ever come across certain types of women who have a
happiness about them which lights up the whole room. These types of women are so comfortable
with who they are and love to socialise and look easy to approach as they are not grouchy but
make people want to partake in their happiness. Be cheerful and do not let anyone stop you from
being happy.
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