One of our favourite male actors has been recently engaged and this inspired us to write this article on men settling down.
Now as young women we personally are not experiencing the pressures that come with trying to get
men to settle down as we are still focussing on finding our own path and trying to be independent.
However we are aware that some women are facing the challenges of dealing with men who
are not committed and ready to settle down. In this article we will try and highlight some of the
reasons why men might find it difficult to settle down and what we as women need to do to set
ourselves apart as wife material.
Not all men are the same so we will refrain from generalising but still try and provide you as readers
with some of the most popular reasons for why men might not want to settle down. In regards to
dating, men experience different stages in their lives: the adolescence stage, the playa stage and the
settling down stage; most women tend to cross paths with men while they are in their playa stage
and this is when issues of settling down arise. As women hoping to get married and find
something that is worth while, we have a propensity to require the settling down stage from
men who have not reached this desired frame of mind.
Now us being women we know that this could be frustrating and painful to women who are seeking
a more solid relationship as they are not finding what they are seeking.
(Now this is when we must try and refrain from generalising as no man is identical to the next but,
we will try and offer some of the popular answers to this pivotal question)
1. He is in the playa stage - Now during this stage of a man's life any woman trying to
make a man settle down at this time could potentially be wasting their time. While a man in this
stage he could meet some of the most remarkable women but due to his frame of mind he will most
likely be blind to the woman's amazing characteristic because it is not what he is searching for.
*Now this frame of mind is not because the man is a sleaze and simply wishes to sleep around
during the player stage*
As women we have to realise that during the player stage men are not just
As women we have to realise that during the player stage men are not just
simply wishing to run around being playas; It is an stage where they grow as an individual and try
to secure the facets which will allow them to compete in the settling down stage e.g good income
2. There is a certain type he is in search for - Now this can be the sad reality that
some women are facing with men. Most men already have a preconceived notion of the TYPE of
woman they want to marry and this could be tall slim etc. but that doesn't mean that during his dating
stage he will not entertain short and curvy. Similar to the actor we referenced early he was known
during his dating stage to go for women who were less of the intellectual branch and more overtly
some women are facing with men. Most men already have a preconceived notion of the TYPE of
woman they want to marry and this could be tall slim etc. but that doesn't mean that during his dating
stage he will not entertain short and curvy. Similar to the actor we referenced early he was known
during his dating stage to go for women who were less of the intellectual branch and more overtly
However when assessing the woman he is engaged to she does not entirely fit the profile of the
women he DATED. What we are trying to say ladies is that most men have an idea of what type
of women they want to bring home to mom and it does not matter how amazing you might be in
some cases you are just not the one. Its sad but true. It is important to actually ask men WHAT
TYPE OF WOMAN do you want to end up with and as we have come to find with our friends this
tends to differ from the past or present women in their lives during their dating stage.
Now this does not mean as women we should now have low self esteem it just means YOU ARE
Now this does not mean as women we should now have low self esteem it just means YOU ARE
3. Men have an innate desire to be domesticated - Now with most men during
their dating stage they could be searching for a woman who is worth them stepping aside from the
game and leaving the fast lane to settle down. Now this is where the smiles can come as you do not
have to be physically the most amazing women to attract men at this stage in their life.
You will come to find that brains can overpower beauty and that an intellectual mind can be very
attractive. Accomplished women have a certain air about them which is very attractive as they
mentally can stimulate a man. Most men want to settle down with a women who can stimulate them
is ways that are just beyond the physical (the physical stimulation is important but other things are
key too) and this is why as women we must also have what it takes to make a man see us as good
enough to leave the game ; YOU MUST MAKE HIM FEEL LIKE HE HAS JUST FOUND A
their dating stage they could be searching for a woman who is worth them stepping aside from the
game and leaving the fast lane to settle down. Now this is where the smiles can come as you do not
have to be physically the most amazing women to attract men at this stage in their life.
You will come to find that brains can overpower beauty and that an intellectual mind can be very
attractive. Accomplished women have a certain air about them which is very attractive as they
mentally can stimulate a man. Most men want to settle down with a women who can stimulate them
is ways that are just beyond the physical (the physical stimulation is important but other things are
key too) and this is why as women we must also have what it takes to make a man see us as good
enough to leave the game ; YOU MUST MAKE HIM FEEL LIKE HE HAS JUST FOUND A
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